Always always remember to BR(EAT)HE!

Last week was chaotic. I had my first crazy tooth extraction, ten hours before San Francisco’s shelter-in-place order took place. On top of that, the weather was miserable.

In just a matter of days, Jon and I were seeing each other 24/7 – much more than before. I had to prepare three meals a day – something that I didn’t use to do. Ordering food deliveries was not an option because I had a strict dental diet to follow – two days of clear liquids, and maybe two weeks of soft or blenderised food.

The sun showed up one morning, and I found some comfort in a handwritten message I wrote many years ago – always always remember to BR(EAT)HE.

I took a loooooooong deeeeeeeeep breath.

Perhaps, staying home and cooking nutritious meals for ourselves is something that we could all be doing. We have to learn (or revisit) how to take better care of our bodies and loved ones. Perhaps, this whole episode would boost our immunity and supply us the energy to stay positive!

With this thought, I adapted the message with a little illustration for a mug. This will serve as my constant reminder every day.

The best part – it comes in ten different colours, take your pick!
Let’s BR(EAT)HE together!

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